Friday, January 05, 2007

Callout: Aceart's PaperWait needs contemporary "folk" art

Call for submissions: Deadline: 31 January, 2007

Artists Pages in Aceart’s annual PaperWait (Volume 8)

The Winnipeg Folk Festival and Folklorama are two of the largest festivals of their kind in North America, making Winnipeg the folk capital of Canada. With this in mind, PaperWait Volume 8 will have a series of artist’s pages that explore the impact of folklore on the contemporary visual arts scene. In particular, Aceart is looking for artists whose work engages in the theme of contemporary urban myths. Works should articulate a search for modern-day allegories and narratives, with respect to rethinking or imagining contemporary folklore.

Ø All selected artists will each receive an honorarium

Ø Artists should submit jpegs only of intended works for publication. A maximum of 10 jpegs per submission. Please do not send original artwork.

Ø Please submit electronic submission. Please include: up to 10 jpeg images of proposed work, CV (max 2 pages), and 250 word artist bio/statement. Send submissions to

Please submit jpg files only, at a resolution of 72 dpi only. Files should be of a maximum of 1024 x 768 pixels (height must not exceed 768 pixels) and 500 KB (0.5 MB) maximum. Title each file (image) with a number, your initials, the year and title of your work. Ensure that the numbers for the first nine images begin with a zero (for example: 01initialsyeartitle.jpg, 02 initialsyeartitle.jpg …10 initialsyeartitle.jpg).

Do not submit slides or any type of presentation (such as PowerPoint), compressed files (WinZip®, Stuffit®, etc.) hyperlinks to Internet sites with your images or material that requires software, plug-ins, extensions or other executables that need to be downloaded or installed.

2nd.,flr. 290 McDermot Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 0T2
p: 204-944-9763
Theo Sims- programme coordinator
Garth Hardy- administrative coordinator
Liz Garlicki- gallery assistant


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