Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Classes: University Of Victoria - Long-Distance Classes in Culture and Heritage Management

Develop your professional knowledge and skills through Distance Learning
@ UVic

The Cultural Resource Management Program at the University of Victoria
is pleased to offer starting in January several distance education
courses for professionals, volunteers and board members in museums, art
galleries, cultural institutions, heritage sites and related

Our distance learning courses enable you to develop integral knowledge
and skills flexibly, either at home or in your workplace, at the times
best suited to your learning needs. Innovative print and electronic
learning resources and interactive communications create stimulating
environments where you learn with expert instructors and groups of
colleagues from across Canada and beyond. Courses can be taken
individually for credit or non-credit or towards a diploma or
professional specialization certificate.

The following is a listing of upcoming distance education courses:

Caring for Museum Collections
January 15 to April 22, 2007
Investigate the physical characteristics of various types of museum
collections, the ways they are affected by environmental factors, and
the preventive conservation and treatment policies and procedures that
are utilized to ensure the safe-keeping of artifacts and specimens in
museum settings.
Instructor: Sue Maltby is a collections conservator in private practice
in Toronto

Curatorship: Contemporary Perspectives
January 22 - April 29, 2007
Explore the contemporary role of the curator, along with collections and
acquisitions policies, object-oriented research methods, documentation
analysis, information management, and the communication of research
through exhibitions and public programs.
Instructor: Debra Graham is a free lance curator

Managing Cultural Organizations
January 15 to April 22, 2007
Enhance your understanding of the complex forces that are reshaping the
museum and cultural sectors and consider their implications for the
effective management of relevant and successful cultural institutions.
Instructor: Carrie Brooks Joiner is a consultant to the public and
not-for-profit sectors in planning, government relations and funding,
governance, and policy development

Museum Principles and Practices II: Programming, Exhibitions and
Management January 8 to April 13, 2007 Explore the role and development
of exhibits and programs, and ways in which knowledge is shared through
collections, research, public partnership, and audience development in
this independent study survey course.

Heritage Resource Conservation
January 8 to April 22, 2007
Consider the philosophical, ethical, and practical challenges involved
in the conservation of heritage buildings, structures, areas and
associated resources in this independent study survey course.

For more information on our distance as well as our short on-campus
immersion offerings, please visit our web site at


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