Sunday, February 18, 2007

Call For Papers: CCCT 2007

CCCT 2007 will be held in Orlando, Florida on July 12-15, 2007

March 8th, 2007 is the deadline for paper/abstract submissions and
invited session proposals.

The registration fee of effective invited session organizers will be
waived and they will receive at the registration desk, for free, a
package of 4 DVDs and one CD containing the 6-hour tutorial
"Fundamentals and History of Cybernetics: Development of the Theory of
Complex Adaptive Systems". The market price of this package is US $
295. Twelve more benefits for invited session organizers are listed at
CCCT 2007 web page.

The best 10%-20% of the papers will be published in Volume 6 of JSCI
Journal ( 24 issues (volumes 1, 2, 3
and 4) of the Journal have been sent to approximately 200 universities
and research libraries, Promotional, free subscriptions, for 2 years,
are being provided to the organizations of the Journal's authors.

Submitted papers will go through three reviewing processes:
double-blind, non-blind (open) and participative reviewing. All
submissions will be sent to at least three reviewers, selected by the
Organizing Committee, for their respective double-blinded review.
Submitted papers or extended abstracts will also be sent to 1-3
reviewers suggested by the author(s) for their open, non-blind, review.
All papers will be included in a participative reviewing where other
authors, who also made submissions to the same area can access the
papers submitted to this area, in order to read them and provide
constructive feedback.

The three kinds of reviewing will support the acceptance process for
the selection of the papers to be presented at the conference, as well
as the selection of the best 10%-20% of the papers that will be
included in the JSCI journal. All papers accepted for presentation in
the conference will also be included in the conference proceedings.

The papers selected, after their presentation, as the best ones of
their regular or invited session, will also be considered for their
inclusion in the Journal. The authors of the best 30%-40% of these
papers will be invited to modify or extend their papers for its
respective publication in the Journal.

For those who are interested in organizing an invited session, please,
fill the respective form provided in the conference web page, and we
will send you a password (if it is pre-approved) so you can include and
modify papers in your invited session.

Invited session organizers with the best performance will be co-editors
of the proceedings volume where their sessions' papers were included,
and of the CD electronic proceedings. They will also be candidates for
invited editors, or co-editors, of a possible JSCI Journal issue
related to their invited session papers. Information on the suggested
steps to organize an invited session has been included in the
conference web site.

Submissions from both academia and industry are encouraged. Research
papers, case studies, lessons learned, status reports, and discussions
of practical problems faced by industry and user domains are all
welcomed submissions.

If you need a detailed Call for Papers and Participation, don't
hesitate in asking us for it. You can also get it from the conference's
web site.

If the deadlines are tight and you need more time, let us know about a
suitable time for you and we will inform you if it is feasible for us.

Dr. C.Dale Zinn
CCCT 2007 Program Chair

If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please send an e-mail
to with REMOVE MLCCCT in the subject

Address: Torre Profesional La California, Av. Francisco de Miranda,
Caracas, Venezuela.

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